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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alaska
8 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
6 live in California
2 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Illinois
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Minnesota
5 live in Montana
2 live in Nebraska
11 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
89 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
48 location unknown
87 are deceased

Franklin Pierce High School

Class of 1963

All classmates are invited to log-in to your site and view information related to your classmates, your memorabilia, and reunions past and future.


Year 61 at the 2121

August 22, 2024

Starts at 3:30 p.m.

The 60th Reunion was great!!  Let's continue the camaraderie. Anyone in the old 'hood on August 22, 2024, plan on meeting to see the rest of us. Laughter, conversation, food, drinks, and more laughter. We had a good crowd in 2022 and are hoping for even more this year. We're ready to gather again.  The 2121 Pub and Grill is, appropriately at 2121 112th St.  So, 2024 at the 2121. Hope to see ya.

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The 60th-Year Reunion!!

August 26th, 2023

We had a 10th-year reunion, a 20th, a 30th, a 50th, a 55th, and now the 60th.  62 Classmates and 30 Guests gathered at the Tacoma Yacht Club for 4 hours of conversation, laughter, food, reminiscences, conversation, and more laughter.  It was a success.

Photos from the event have been posted. (see the Class Reunion Photos tab above left).  If anyone else has photos to share, use the Contact Us tab above to let us know and Dan will tell you how to get them to him.

Click to: See Photos

Thanks to all who came and made this a success.


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Year 59 at the 2121

Thursday, August 25, 2022

We met once again at the 2121 Pub for a few hours of talking, and sharing.  There were nearly 35 of us old-timers and several spouses. There were some first-timers, and a bunch of old-faithfuls. Thanks to all who came for talking, eating, talking, laughing, talking, eating, reminiscing, and maybe tossing back a drink or two. It's a great way to keep in touch between our big gatherings. Other photos under the Reunions tab. Think about our 60th in 2023.


WE'RE LOOKING for 20 missing classmates! Any Clue?  If you have any information for those on the list (see tab at top), please send us a note.  *20* to go. The list has started growing, with folks not keeping us up-to-date with changes.




On Saturday, September 8th, 86 of us gathered to celebrate our 55th year since graduation.  There were 54 classmates and 32 guests.  During the night several people referred to us as survivors.  We met at the Emerald Queen Casino Ballroom and Conference Center in Fife. The buffet and dessert table were plentiful and delicious.  If there was supposed to be light background 50s and 60s music playing, it would never have been heard over the talking and laughter. 

See pictures from the event.  Click on the "Class Reunion Photos" tab on the left column, and select the "55th-Year Reunion".

Thanks to all who came and made this a fun event.  Think about 2023 for the 60th (yikes).

Keep your address and other contact info up-to-date, so we can keep in touch.  See ya in August 2019 at the 2121.


The 50th-Year Reunion Booklet

August 17, 2013

This booklet with information on all your classmates, and pictures from the reunion activities, has been mailed to those who ordered one.  We have a few extras.  If you didn't order one and want one, click on the "Contact Us" tab at the top of the page, to send an email to Dan Holder.  Booklets are $20, inclding postage.

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We need more pictures.  Do you have photos from parties, activities, candid shots around school, any other pictures that would jog the old memories?  Send them to Dan Holder at





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